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4cm/6cm Handy Pavers

A contemporary paver that delivers clean and crisp lines, suitable for walkways, patios and pool decks. 4cm Handy Pavers are available in 8 colours, the same as their thicker cousins, the 6cm Handy Paver. Mix and match patterns on your driveway or walkway. A contemporary look, efficient installation, and economical price. They don't call them Handy for nothing!
Available colours:
Autumn Gold
Range Red
Shadow Blend
Shapes and Sizes
Handy Paver
4cm Handy Paver
300 x 300 x 40 mm
11.81 x 11.81 x 2.36 in
180 pieces per bundle
6cm Handy Paver
300 x 300 x 60 mm
11.81 x 11.81 x 2.36 in
114 pieces per bundle
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