Soil & Mulch
GB Stone offers a variety of soils and mulches to meet both the practical and aesthetic look of any landscape. All of our soils and mulches are made on site at a Gro-Bark facility. All products are offered as bulk delivery or pickup. Sold by the cubic yard, cash and carry bags, and 1 cubic yard totes.
Click Images below for further detail.

Well balanced, complete soil High organic matter content; light weight and porous Optimum pH, water holding and porosity Resists compaction

Attacks thatch Encourages grow-in Benefits turf layer and root zone Apply with or without seed in topdressing program

Commercial Planting Soil Mineral/ Organic Coarse Blend An eco-friendly alternative to heavy peat soils

Shredded Pine Mulch. Reddish brown in colour, aging to dark brown/black. Made from freshly ground pine bark. Gives a fresh pine aroma. Low pH decomposing pine helps condition soil Proven weed control unlike any other - SPM has the best weed control in areas where chemical control cannot be used Holds soil moisture, moderating the effects of dry, hot summer days

Freshly ground white cedar bark releasing a strong cedar aroma. Golden brown colour that greys with age. Fibrous texture mats together to hold mulch in place and provide a clean finish Forms a natural weed barrier, resisting airborne weed seeds Retains soil moisture Long lasting; slow decomposition

Pine mulch that has been composted for 1-2 years. Chocolate brown/black in colour, giving a rich soil like appearance. pH and organic matter improves soil Can be used as a mulch or as an amendment to existing soil Provides a clean and professional finish Aids in moisture retention Increases weed suppression

Colour enhanced pine processed from freshly ground bark - uniform in texture and possessing a fresh pine aroma. Available in Natural Red. Acidic pH helps condition and free up nutrients in basic soil Acts as a natural weed barrier, making it difficult for airborne seeds to take root Holds soil moisture, moderating the effects of dry, hot summer days Pigment used during the colouring process is a natural iron oxide Can be used to complement the landscape by adding colour

Coloured mulch processed from hardwood substrates. Ground to a uniform, fibrous texture. Ground and aged for stability Acts as a natural weed barrier, making it difficult for airborne seeds to take root Pigment used during the colouring process is a natural iron oxide Can be used to complement the landscape by adding colour

Coloured mulch processed from hardwood substrates. Ground to a uniform, fibrous texture. Ground and aged for stability Acts as a natural weed barrier, making it difficult for airborne seeds to take root Pigment used during the colouring process is a natural iron oxide Can be used to complement the landscape by adding colour

Finely ground blend of woody substrates, hardwood barks and softwood barks. Natural pale brown, tan colour ages to warm, dark brown. Enhances moisture retention Increases weed suppression Excellent for mulching commercial scale plantings